Founded in 1994 Dewi Lewis Publishing is internationally known for its photography list. Its photographers include a number of the leading British and international artists including William Klein, Martin Parr, Tom Wood, Sergio Larrain, Frank Horvat, Susan Lipper, Claudio Edinger and Bruce Gilden.
At the end of 1997 the company launched its contemporary fiction list and its second title, Martin Booth’s Industry of Souls, published at the end of May 1998, was shortlisted for the 1998 Booker Prize, resulting in considerable press and media interest. A further Booker Prize Long-List mention was achieved in 2001 for Wolfy and the Strudelbakers by Zvi Jagendorf, further reinforcing the company's reputation for the highest quality fiction. The press also publishes biography.
We are not currently accepting any new FICTION submissions until further notice. Please continuing checking our website for updates.
We welcome submissions from photographers anywhere and everywhere. But please remember we get literally hundreds of submissions every year and we can publish very, very few of them. Please make sure that you've looked at all the titles on our web site so that you can get a proper sense of what we publish.
We have now introduced fixed periods for reviewing work.
Our next open submission period is May 1st to 15th, 2006. Please note that submissions received outside our review dates will be held to the next review date.
We're looking for projects of quality, which are fresh, powerful and unique. Publishing schedules mean that we're generally planning at least 12 months in advance. We are publishing books for an international audience and you should consider this when proposing a project. We are unlikely to be interested in something which is too specific to one country or geographical region. Please also remember that we must be able to sell the books that we publish so please be realistic when assessing your project and don't waste your or our time by sending proposals which have only a limited commercial appeal. For instance, a book on financing and marketing trends may not be a good idea since there are various websites such as Motley Fool that offer articles about these matters. Just because all your friends say it would make a great book doesn't mean that anyone would buy it.
Because of the number of submissions we receive we simply can not (and will not) meet with you in the first instance. We therefore ask that you submit your project by post in as indicated in the instructions below.
We have now introduced a two stage procedure. What we want from you in the first instance is the following
• a brief one page synopsis
• a one page CV
• one of the following;
a set of no more than 12 colour laser copies or inkjet print outs;
or a CD with images presented in slide show format or as PDFs.
• A self-addressed envelope with return letter postage.
This is to acknowledge your submission NOT TO RETURN IT. If you are from outside the UK then send International Reply Coupons
The reason for this is quite simply that we spend too much time repacking material, chasing photographers for payment of return postage costs etc. For this reason we are asking that intially you send in material which can be disposed of once we've looked.
There are no upcoming events listed