Before adding events listings, author or publisher profiles, please familiarise yourself with the existing listings, author or publisher profiles already featured on the site. When adding your listings, please keep the format consistent (in terms of the type of information given, layout, length) with what's already on there!
On the homepage ( there is a box down the right-hand-side titled INTERACT. Here enter your Login and Password (you will have been sent this when you first registered as a user on the site).
When the page refreshes, scroll down to the INTERACT box where you just logged in. Click on ADMIN CONSOLE.
You will then see:
You are logged in as xxx logout
Click on which section you wish to edit. For example, to add an event, click on EVENTS, then click add a new event. You'll see a form, in which you can enter the title, description, price, time, day, venue. Click 'save' when you've finished (once you've saved it, you can go back and edit the information about this event at any time).
A price must be added to the event; if it is free, add the number '0' in the price box, if the price varies (e.g. for concessions) add the largest price figure in the box and explain concessions in the Description. Do not add the £ sign in the price box, as this will appear automatically.
If the venue is not listed in the drop-down menu, you will have to go back to the Admin panel, click VENUE, and enter the venue details, including the FULL address, postcode, email, tel, web (basically, everything you can). Please ensure this info is correct as it will stay there for others to use, and take care when adding a new venue that it isn't already there - venues are listed alphabetically (those starting 'The' have the article removed). Once the new venue is added, go back to EVENTS and start over.
You can associate one or more authors with your event. If your event features an author from or based in the Northwest, or published by a press in the region, you may find that this author already has a profile on our database. To add a new author profile, click 'Add Author', select one from the list that appears, then click the left-to-right add button. This links the author's profile page with the event, so people interested in the event can find out more about the author(s) taking part.
If the author is not already listed on our database, and you wish to add their profile, you can add a new author profile in Authors (in Admin). Add commendations and press quotes, if available, when adding an author, as well as a sample of their work (if you are the publisher and have the author's permission to use it), and an author photo (likewise, it is your responsibility to ensure this does not infringe the photographer's copyright).
Please note: When adding a BOOK, remember the author has to have a profile first.
In all cases, and in all categories, please be as comprehensive as possible.
All images must be larger than 100 pixels wide or high to upload.
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