Arts Council Funding Cuts

13th April 2007

It was announced last week that funding for the Arts Council is set to drop from the £83 million awarded in 2006/2007 to just £54 million for 2007/2008.

This reduction is said to be an effect of funds being diverted to pay for the London Olympics.

The Arts Council stresses that funding at this time is ‘crucial’ as the arts are experiencing more popularity than ever.

This news comes as a surprise after Tony Blair’s speech at the Tate Modern in March, where he spoke of the ‘golden age’ for arts and stated that ‘A nation that cares about art will not just be a better nation. In the early 21st century it will be a more successful one’.

This reduction in funding could potentially have a knock-on effect for small publishing businesses in the North West, who largely depend on funding contributions from the Arts Council.

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