2011 Derwent Poetry Festival

11th November 2011

The 2011 Derwent Poetry Festival celebrates the publication of new poetry titles from Templar Poetry, and is a unique event in the poetry calender. It's a chance to hear some of the best new poetry written today, from poets across the country, reading live, and in their own voices.

This year six poets are reading from their newly published short and full collections. Clive Allen, Andrew Jamison and Christopher James read from their 2011 Templar Pamphlet Award winning pamphlets, and the three winners of the inaugural Straid Collection Awards, Kathleen Jones, Susanne Ehrhardt and Martin Malone read from their new full length collections, alongside a commissioned first collection from Michael Woods.

A Saturday Lunchbox event offers a sneak preview of Spine, Jane Weir's sequel to Walking the Block,  and three dedicated anthology readings feature poets and best poems from the submissions to the  2011 Templar Pamphlet & Collection Awards. The events are being recorded for release later as an audio CD, and will also be posted on the Templar Poetry website.

Masson Mills, Matlock Bath 11th - 13th November.

More at http://templarpoetry.com/

t: 01629 582500
e: [email protected]

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