6th July 2011
Published by Flapjack Press, ISBN: 9780955509292
Open the door of this book and step into the universe of Dermot Glennon and you may not be able to get out again. You may not want to. You may want to get help.
Arranged in broadly thematic chapters with style guide introductions and explanations of the underlying ideas and philosophies that led to the writing of the poems within, this book also benefits from a design that fits most standard bookshelves and coffee tables.
You can order your copy now at www.flapjackpress.co.uk.
"Dermot's poetry is like a horror film. You want to hide but you can't stop yourself looking" - Rod Tame, Write Out Loud
"A mystery ranging from everywhere to nowhere, calling for an intelligent open mind. Funny, hard and relatable" - Lauren Bolger, Paradox
"Dermot Glennon's writing is like a picture by Escher, only funnier. Behind the formal mastery and strong sense of order lies real depth, sometimes constructed from a cleverly realised unreality. And when the harlequin mask is occasionally dropped the illusion is punctured by a startling emotional honesty" - Simon Rennie, Inn Verse
It has been said that the tragic and untimely birth Dermot Glennon in Downpatrick, Ireland, in 1972 robbed the world of one of its best loved person-shaped spaces. Educated in, amongst other places, his clothes, Dermot's first solo poetry collection, Songs of an Unprepossessing, Normal and Plain Character, was published by Knives Forks and Spoons Press in 2010.
Poet, author, stand-up, Silver Stake Poetry Slam winner and hunter of scandal, Dr Glennon is also co-author [w/Adam Irving] of poetry collection Karma Veranda (Mucusart Publications, 2003) & the short story collection [w/Paul Neads] Occam's Blunt Instrument (Mucusart Publications, 2007).
Although he is possibly one of the greatest poets of the last century, by virtue of this being subjective and non-specific as to which one of the greatest, he has often been ignored.
Anthems and Album Tracks by Dermot Glennon | poetry | ISBN 9780955509292 | 112pp | 136mm x 197mm | pb | RRP £6.50
Thank you for your kind attention!
Paul Neads
[email protected]