2nd August 2006
Write Out Loud aim to have an exhibition about their work in Bolton Central Library, which they then hope to take to other local libraries. If you'd like your work to feature send the equivalent of two A4 sheets containing one or more poems (no more than 2 x A4) plus a brief biography and comments about your experience of Write Out Loud along with a digital photo of yourself (if you haven’t got one tell them and they can something out later) by August 31st. Either email to [email protected] (Note, email starts with a capital letter) or mail to James Hartnell c/o 11 Palace Court, Bolton.
Bolton Library are also asking for poems for National Poetry Week on the theme of “Identity” . These can be sent by email to [email protected] or post to Central Library, Le Mans Crescent, Bolton. The earlier the better although the deadline is September 8th. Include your full name and address. Submissions should be no larger than A4.
NOTE this is only open to people who live in the Bolton Metropolitan area – check with libraries in your own area to see if they are doing something similar. Selected poems will be displayed in the Central Library during National Poetry Week