When : 24th September 2012 - 6:00pm Where : Isis Café Price : Free
6pm- 8pm poetry/creative writing workshop What passions and ideals did you have as a teenager? What did you love to do? Does the teenager within you get to speak out? Have a go writing about teenage things. No writing experience necessary. 8pm -10pm poetry performance and open mic With Guest writer Tina Tamsho-Thomas Tina is a published writer, spoken word performer, emerging playwright and workshop facilitator. Residencies include the Bicentenary Anniversary of Abolition Tran-Atlantic Slave Trade. Manchester Art Gallery. Her work is published in numerous anthologies. She will read Lipstick, Panstik & Teenage Friendship, an extract from her work in progress No Blue Memories – A Manchester Memoir and poetry on the theme of adolescence. Open mic bring your own poems or your favourite poems and stories of what it means to be a teenager. Musicians also very welcome to perform Everyone welcome, no writing experience necessary It is a FREE event Hard Rain poetry event is a voluntary community project which encourages local creative expression. Supported by Isis cafe NB: Hard Rain is on the last Monday of every month Next date for your diaries Monday 29th October