When : 1st October 2012 - 10:30am Where : Various Venues Price : £60.00
Come and join the ‘Godfather’ of The Reader Organisation, Brian Nellist, to discuss character: what makes us who we are? Oliver Twist, Cranford, Macbeth and Lord Jim will be explored in 'Who am I?' on Monday mornings, 10am-12pm, at the Lauries Centre in Birkenhead, beginning 1st October. Visit our blog for more information and to book your place for a shared reading experience like no other. http://thereaderonline.co.uk/2012/08/29/who-am-i-brian-nellists-new-course/?utm_source=The+Reader+Organisation%27s+Monthly+Update%2C+September+2012&utm_campaign=e58a238c3b-The_Reader_Organisation_s_Monthly_Update_3_22_2012&utm_medium=email