John G. Hall

Photo of John G. Hall

The writer of plays, short story and poetry, John committed most of his energies between 1979-90 as a political activist. He was a member of the South Manchester Poetry Group during the 70's, and a regular reader at Liverpool's 'The Why Not Pub' during the 80's. Having read Social History at Lancaster University in the 90's, politics remains an integral part of John's poetry, alongside the literary influences of William Blake and Robert Creeley. He currently edits Citizen 32 magazine, and his collections include The Drowning Fish (BeWrite Books) and the newly released, See No Evil, New Selected Poems.

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Titles by John G. Hall

See No Evil cover image

See No Evil

"John G Hall's poetry is both visceral and delicate.
It is haunted by an angry spirituality that never loses its sense of humour or hope. From condoms to Iraq, from Jesus to Alzheimer's, these poems are as brutally honest as they are beautiful."

Aoife Mannix – author of ‘The Trick of Foreign Words’, Irish poet .

'Hall constantly asserts the imagist's instinct – that pared-down thought, the sure gaze. With each line a brush stroke, and framed by what he makes seem acres of white, these poems strive towards the condition of poetic quanta. At their best, they urge themselves into distinctive intensity.' - Mario Petrucci

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